One of the pillars of the Digital Inter/Section project is sustainability, from the ecological, human and financial points of view. As a part of the market research report that they led, THE CATALYSTS put together in July 2023 a first version of guidelines for social and ecological sustainability, to be implemented by the project partners in their activities.
The guidelines were based on the answers to the survey questions, the expert interviews, and the work of the sustainability work group, formed within the DI/S project.
When the guidelines were first published in July 2023, it would have been hard to provide clear recommendations; therefore the consortium aim moved to ask the right questions. This led the group to put together a list of questions, available at the end of the guideline document (part 2 of this document). A question structure was helpful also because of the case-by-case nature of various digital art pieces - a one-fits-all solution simply wasn’t realistic.
These questions ended up being the theoretical basis of our sustainability strategy and our first practical output, the pledge (part 3 of this document).